Was Ian Smith better that Mugabe ? Lets talk, Asikhulume, Ngati Taure !!!!!!


  1. This whole thing about Lovemore Moyo is a waste of our time. I still don't see what impact he has had in Parliament. Does it really matter to MDC who is speaker?

  2. I think it does because the speaker of parliament can act as president in case of death.

  3. Why is there a serious obsession over power yet when they get the power they don't use it to fix potholes, dilapidated buildings, schools, hospitals and robots. How many Zimbabweans died in 2007-2009 of cholera and what did our govt (ZPF and MDC do to alleviation the problem, I know SA was visibly concerned had they not stepped in what would have become of our people. They fight over who is president, MDC leaders are anti-democratic every time when reigns have to be handed over its a huge fight leading from one split to another. How many factions are we going to have in the end. We are showing the world that we are not capable of functioning independently at any level, we plot against each other, its crazy we really need to change. Kumele siguquke thina enhlokweni zethu kuqala singakaze sizame ukuguqula okunye.


MDC Youth Assembly Secretary General

MDC Youth Assembly Secretary General
MP candidate for Matopo South