ASSEMBLY we have absteined from violence and we continue to uphold
principles of non violence and non discrimination. The arrest of Hon
Moses Mzila Ndlovu MDC Deputy Secretary General has left us with no
choice but to embark in a mass nation wide protest if he is not
released by Monday.

NATIONAL Healing and Reconciliation Minister Moses Mzila-Ndlovu and a
Catholic priest were arrested on Friday for attending a memorial
service for victims of the 1980s Matabeleland genocide in Lupane.
Ndlovu and Father Marko Mabutho Mnkandla, who presided over
Wednesday's ceremony, are charged with "undermining police authority",
which as the MDCYA believe is nothing more than one of Mugabe's human
rights deprivement.
Zanu PF's tactics of terror will not reward this time around, this
will backfire and keep in mind that SADC which gave Mugabe legitimacy
after he lost the elections in 2008 no longer accepts any nonsense
from his regime.
"In times of universal deceit rightiousness is seen as a revolutionary
act." Hon Moses Mzila Ndlovu must walk free !!!!!!!!
Forward Ever Backward Never
Shephard Dube
+27 83 969 5731